Monday 24 August 2015

One Night Stand by Accident

Nothing ruins the fun of a no-strings-attached rendezvous quite like your friends reminding you of all of the ways you could have been killed by the stranger in front of whom you just got naked. Nothing except feelings, that is. Those can ruin One Night Stand’s too. But this generation better get used to them, because as the gap between puberty and marriage gets ever wider, we're increasingly turning to casual encounters as a way to express and satisfy our sexuality.

The therapeutic nature of an One Night Stand shouldn't be underestimated; sometimes you just need to get the sad shagged out of you. And you see, we gals can weave a complex web of sexual starvation for ourselves to flounder in.

Does being so desperate for human contact that I occasionally flop in to a stranger's bed make me sexually liberated? For sure. It's 2015. What's interesting though, is that whilst guys and girls may have equal access to casual sex, we don't seem to have a comparable likelihood of orgasm.

I've found men can be wounded by this, but don't feel like a failure. The orgasm is not necessarily the pinnacle of sexual enjoyment, there's the emotional fulfillment of feeling sexually accomplished (having a man's pleasure totally at your mercy is kind of empowering) and sexual desire is far more complex than one validatory factor can account for.

Science may simply blame my menstrual cycle for influencing my sexual motivation. During the ovulatory phase women report increased sexual desire and arousal, with a preference for short-term partners. What's more, biologists have recently suggested that females are drawn to the benefits of mating with many men as it increases the genetic diversity of their offspring.

So whatever your reasons for having a one night stand...There's a lot to think about.


  1. But zaman ini, women are label easy / etc for expressing their sexuality compared to men who sees this as their prime.
